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Mega 2560 R3 Development Board Compatible with Arduino - With USB Cable -  (USB Chip CH340)

Mega R3 is the clone one of the latest version of Arduino Mega with an on-board CH340 usb - serial converter chip. Even there are some little differences respect to original one, it is almost the same in terms of usage and software. This provides you a cheaper opportunitiy to get started with Arduino boards.

The microcontroller model of this board is the same as the original one (Atmega2560). We offer working warranty for this product as we offer the for the original one. so, you may trust to use this cheaper clone board. Untill now, we have not seen any problem of using this board but, if you see any problems we offer ralunda or exchange too.

On the letest clone boards of Arduino, the USB CH340 serial converter has been used instead of standart 16u2 or FTDI chip on the original UNO.

The popular usb to serial chip CH340 works well and its drivers is already installed on Win 8+ and Linux. Unfotunately if you use Win 7 or MAC OS X you need to install your drivers manually.

You can download your CH340 Driver to operate faster and more stabile on Win 7 and Win 8 by clicking here.

To install CH340 driver on Win 7, click on the link, extract the files from the zip, go to CH341SER folder and open setup.exe.

If you use MAC, i wish this link will help you.

After you did all of these, plug your board, choose the new COM port on the Arduino IDE - Serial port menu, than your Arduino is ready to be programmed.

Uno R3 has extra SDA and SCL pins, these pins can be found next to AREF pin on the mapping. Moreover, on the new revision two new pins are added next to reset pin on the board. One is the IOREF pin to provide supply voltage for shields and the other one is connect - less pin to use later when it is needed. Mega R3 is compatible with all shield on the market and will be compatible too for the other shields will be produced in future.

Mega 2560 R3 Development Board Compatible with Arduino - With USB Cable -  (USB Chip CH340) Technical Features:

- Atmega328 Microcontroller

- 7-12 V Input Voltage

- 14 Digital I/O pins

- 6 PWM Out

- 6 ADC In

- 16 Mhz Clock Signal

- 32 kB Flash Memory

Document & Useful Links:
Mega 2560 R3 Development Board Compatible with Arduino - With USB Cable - (USB Chip CH340)
Mega 2560 R3 Development Board Compatible with Arduino - With USB Cable - (USB Chip CH340)
576.42 TL + VAT
691.71 TL
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