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Sales Agreement


Article 1: PARTIES
1.1- SELLER:
Title:  Robotistan Elektronik Ticaret AŞ
Adress:  Perpa Ticaret Merkezi A 1978 Şişli / İSTANBUL
Phone: 0850 766 0 425
Email: [email protected]

Name/Surname/Title :
Address :
Phone :  

Article 2- SUBJECT

The subject of this agreement consist of setting forth and determining the respective rights and obligations of the Parties with respect to the sales and delivery of the goods/services whose prices are certain ordered by the Buyer from over the web site belonging to the Seller on the electronic media, pursuant to Law No: 4077 Consumer Protection and Regulation on Distance Contracts.


Type and sort, quantity, brand/model, color and selling price are specified above.

Payment Rate :
Delivery Address :
Delivered To:
Invoice Address :
Shipment Fee:


4.1 The Buyer declares and acknowledges under the provisions of this Agreement that it is informed about the basic specifications, selling price, form of payment, terms of delivery with respect to the goods/services and provides required approval on electronic media.

4 . 2 The Contract Product is delivered to BUYER or contact/institution which is indicated by BUYER ,not exceeding the legal time limit (30 days) from the date of ordering ,depending on distantness of BUYER’S settlement within period of time which is explained in prior knowledge on web site.

4 . 3 If contract product will be delivered to any contact/institution rather than BUYER , SELLER can not be held responsible for declining of delivery by the contact/institution.

4 . 4 Seller is responsible from delivery of the goods/services that constitute subject matter of the Agreement in perfect and full operating condition, in compliance with the specifications indicated on the order, and together with its warranty certificates as well as instructions for use, if any.   
4 . 5 It is an obligation that copy of signed contract should be reached to SELLER and price should be paid via preferred form of payment by BUYER for delivery of contract product.If product price is not paid or canceled from bank accounts for any reason, SELLER is considered as being released from itsobligatin for delivery of product.

4. .6 If credit card which belongs to BUYER is used by unauthorized people inappropriately not arising from BUYER’s fault and as a result of this bank or finance corporate do not pay the price of product to SELLER after delivery, BUYER has to send the product back to SELLER within 3(three) days.In this circumstance, shipment fee is on account of BUYER.
4 . 7 If contract product can not be delivered within determined time period because of any reason or extra ordinary situations like bad weather conditions, transportation problems, SELLER has to let BUYER know.In this circumstances, BUYER may choose one of these options: cancellation the order, changing contract product with equivalent commodity or/and delay delivery period until obstructor situation disappears.If BUYER cancels the order , price he paid is refunded to him in cash and in a single sum within 10 days.   
4 . 8 Crash or brokenproducts with warranty certificate may be sent back to SELLER for necessary repair under warranty procedures.In this circumstances, shipment fee is on account of SELLER.
4 . 9 This agreement gains validity after being signed by BUYER and posted or e-mailed to SELLER.


The Buyer is entitled to use its right with respect to withdrawal, within 14 days from the date of delivery of the goods/services either to itself in person or to such person/entity at the address advised to that effect. For being entitled to use the right of withdrawal, it is mandatory that within the same period the Seller should be notified via e-mail or on the telephone and goods/services are not used under provisions of Article 6. In the event any such right is used, it is compulsory that the original of the invoice pertaining to the goods/services delivered to the 3rd party or to the Buyer in person is required to be returned. Product price is refunded to BUYER within 7 days following arrival of the documents. If the original of the invoice is not forwarded, VAT and other legal obligations, if any, are not possibly returned to the BUYER. Cost for delivery of such goods/services returned on grounds of the right of withdrawal is covered by the SELLER.


These consist of goods/services that are not returnable in consideration of their nature, goods/services which rapidly deteriorate and dates of expiry passing, goods/services for single use, hygienic goods/services, goods/services for daily use, any and all software and programs which are reproducible.

-          All software and programs

-          DVD,VCD,CD or tape

-          Computer and stationery equipment

-          All cosmetic products


In application of this agreement, Consumer Arbitration Committees and Consumer Courts ,which locate around BUYER’s or SELLER’s settlement, have competent jurisdiction up to such value announced by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.


Robotistan Elektronik Ticaret AŞ

Name/Surname :
Date :


Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.