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ESP32 ESP-32S WiFi + Bluetooth Dual-Mode Developement Board

Product Code
Xtensa® 32-bit LX6 Çift Çekirdekli İşlemci
Bağlantı Noktası
Mikro USB
Kablosuz Bağlantı
: 222.51 TL + VAT
KDV Dahil Fiyat
: 267.01 TL

WiFi and Bluetooth Enabled ESP32 Development Board (30-Pin)

The ESP32 development board is equipped with powerful WiFi and Bluetooth capabilities, making it easy to develop internet-connected projects. This 30-pin development board features a high-performance dual-core processor and ample memory capacity to efficiently manage your projects.
The board allows you to use the ESP32 module with a breadboard and enables easy programming with the integrated USB-UART converter (CP2102).

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Product Features:

  • WiFi and Bluetooth Integration: The ESP32 provides both wireless internet connectivity and Bluetooth communication, offering versatile application possibilities.
  • High Processing Capacity: Dual-core processor and ample memory capacity allow you to efficiently manage complex projects.
  • Flexible Programming Support: Compatible with popular programming languages such as Arduino IDE, MicroPython, and ESP-IDF, enabling you to program your projects the way you want.
  • Wide Range of Applications: Ideal for IoT projects, automation systems, sensor networks, and more.
  • Easy Integration: The 30-pin design allows for quick setup and development of your projects.

This ESP32 development board is an excellent choice for technology enthusiasts and professionals. With this development board, you can create creative projects without limitations and take your projects a step further. Get the WiFi and Bluetooth enabled ESP32 development board now and bring your projects to life!"

Documents and Useful Links:

microblocks.jpg (14 KB)

MicroBlocks is a free, Scratch-like, live and interactive block programming platform for learning physical computing with Micro:bit, Adafruit, and other educational microcontroller boards. MicroBlocks enables rapid learning of coding for makers of all ages. It's a comprehensive platform not only for beginners but also for those looking to use it in advanced projects.

ESP32 ESP-32S WiFi + Bluetooth Dual-Mode Developement Board
ESP32 ESP-32S WiFi + Bluetooth Dual-Mode Developement Board
222.51 TL + VAT
267.01 TL
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