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Tower Pro SG90 Servo Motor - 360 Degree

Product Code
Motor Tipi
Servo Motor
Çalışma Voltajı
Çalışma Akımı
Çalışma Hızı
0.10 sn/60°
: 51.03 TL + VAT
KDV Dahil Fiyat
: 61.24 TL

Tower Pro SG90 Servo Motor - 360 Degree

Servo is defined as a drive system that performs angular-linear position, speed and acceleration control in mechanisms without error. In other words, it is a motion control mechanism. Servo motors are the most used motor type in robot technologies, but they are also used in RC (Radio Control) applications. RC Servo Motors were first used in remote control model vehicles. Servos are designed to take the desired position and not change their position unless a new command comes. Servo motors can be used for many different purposes. There are models in different sizes and different torque powers. You can click here to find the most suitable servo motor type for your project.

servo-aciklama.jpg (10 KB)

Tower Pro SG90 Servo Motor Technical Specifications:

  • Model: Tower Pro SG90
  • Operating Voltage: 4.8V (~5V)
  • Working Speed: 0.1s/60 degrees
  • Stall torque: 1.8 kgf cm
  • Temperature range: 0ºC – 55ºC
  • Weight: 10gr

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Tower Pro SG90 Servo Motor - 360 Degree
Tower Pro SG90 Servo Motor - 360 Degree
51.03 TL + VAT
61.24 TL
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