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Original GY-AMG8833 Infrared Thermal Imager Sensor Module

The GY-AMG8833 infrared thermal imager sensor module is used in night vision systems when visible light is not sufficient. Night vision systems work by converting a small number of photons in the environment into electrons and amplifying them through a chemical and electrical process. This sensor module, which is used to distinguish between dark and light, contains an LED that emits infrared rays. This system, which is usually associated with ultrasonic sensors, provides signal conversion by outputting a signal. It works by measuring the change when the signal returns.



 gyamg8833-kizilotesi-termal-goruntuleyici-modulu-4.jpg (118 KB)

GY-AMG8833 Infrared Sensor Module Pin Diagram:


GY-AMG8833 Infrared Sensor Module Technicial Specifications:

  • Maximum Frame Rate: 10Hz
  • Input Voltage: 3-5V/DC
  • Field of View: 110x75° (Suitable for wide-angle, close-range measurement.)
  • The sensor type can work directly by an external MCU.
  • The module contains a single-chip computer.


GY-AMG8833 Infrared Sensor Module Dimensions:


GY-AMG8833 Infrared Sensor Module Connection Diagram:


gyamg8833-kizilotesi-termal-goruntuleyici-modulu-7.jpg (113 KB)


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GY-AMG8833 Infrared Thermal Imager Sensor Module - Original
GY-AMG8833 Infrared Thermal Imager Sensor Module - Original
1,152.84 TL + VAT
1,383.41 TL
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