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PCA9685 16 Channel I2C PWM/Servo Driver Board(Clon)

Product Code
Kart İşlevi
Motor Sürücü Kartı
Bağlantı Noktası
Çalışma Gerilimi
Çalışma Akımı
: 136.11 TL + VAT
KDV Dahil Fiyat
: 163.33 TL

This product is clon version of this product. Robotistan recommends to use original one.

Through this board, you can add 16 PWM outputs to your Arduino and any other microcontroller. So you can create servo and LED implementations easily.

Board has 12-bit resolution. Logic levels are 3.3V and 5V. Board uses I2C interface through this, board doesn't occupy so many pins at your microcontroller. Through 6 adress modification solder jumpers you can use boards up to 62 on a single I2C line. Also there is output sequence according to standard servo connectors. Through connection pins which are available at two end of the board, you can butt splice boards or set up your board according to project. Through on board terminal connections, you can supply your board on V+ line. Reverse voltage protection is available

Technical Features:

  • Dimensions except (terminal and header): 62.5 mm x 25.4 mm x 3 mm
  • Weight: 5.5 gr (except terminal and header), 9 gr (including terminal and header)
  • I2C adress: Configurable between 0x60 - 0x80
  • 12-bit resolution, 60 Hz update frequency
  • Configurable PWM frequency up to 1.6 kHz
  • Push-pull or open-drain output options
  • Open-close function with Output Enable pin
  • 220 Ω resistor connected to output as serial for ease LED drive
  • Green LED for situation of power source



PCA9685 16 Channel I2C PWM/Servo Driver Board(Clon)
PCA9685 16 Channel I2C PWM/Servo Driver Board(Clon)
136.11 TL + VAT
163.33 TL
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