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This vibration motor provides 0.75gr of vibration amplitude. Diameter is 10mm and height is 3mm. Works with 3V and requires 60mA at 3V. It can be mounted to any surface using the sticky tape under the motor.

Technical Features:

Dimensions 10 mm x 3 mm
Weight 1.2 g
Recommended opearting voltage 2.5 - 3.5 V
Vibration Amplitude@ 3V 0.75g
Speed @3V 13500 RPM
Idle current @3V 60 mA (80 mA max)
Startup current @3V 120 mA max
Impedence 29 ± 6 Ω
Working temperature -10 ° C ile +60 ° C
Storage temperature +70 ° C ila -30 ° C
Motor's voltage, current and speed graph:
şaftsız titreşim motoru 10x3 mm motorun gerilim, akım ve rpm grafiği
Shaftless Vibration Motor 10x3 (10mm Cable Lenght)
Shaftless Vibration Motor 10x3 (10mm Cable Lenght)
13.79 TL + VAT
16.55 TL
Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.