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You will learn how to solder and "make" a beautiful object for your studying table with this colorful christmas flash kit made by 16 LEDs. Your christmas flash designed as to operate at 4 different frequency will provide you to have a joyful watching by blinking at different time periods.

This kit is designed to learn how to solder and it does not require any preinformation about neihter electronics nor soldering. Signs and other guides will prevent your from making mistakes like reverse or wrong connections when your are soldering components on the PCB. This will allow you to find the correct place for each components and complete the projects with no time wasting.

The kit comes as demounted and it is enough to use a 9 V battery cell to operate. (9 V battery cell is not a part of the kit)

NOTE: There is an extra 100 ohm resistor (brown - black - brown - gold) which is not used in this circuit. Please ignore this resistor while building.

Size: 70 mm x 110 mm

Kit includes:

  • 8 x Green LED
  • 8 x Red LED
  • 1 x Battery jack input socket
  • 1 x 9 V battery housing
  • 4 x Capacitor
  • 4 x Transistor
  • 1 x Button
  • 1 x Double socket input
  • Mounting parts (screw, bolt)

Christmas Flash LED Electronic DIY Learning Kit
Christmas Flash LED Electronic DIY Learning Kit
222.87 TL + VAT
267.45 TL
Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.