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Gravity: Stater Kit for Ardublock

Product Code
: 3,049.08 TL + VAT
KDV Dahil Fiyat
: 3,658.90 TL
KDV Dahil Fiyat
: 3,658.90 TL


This Ardublock kit is a collection of DFRobot sensors and a DFRduino UNO. The combination of this kit along with the Ardublock software is a powerful learning tool for beginners in physical computing. Whether your an artist, or a parent wanting to teach your children about electronics. There is little technical knowledge required to get started in the world of electronics with the help of DFRobot and Ardublock.
Ardublock introduction  
Programming with C is not always an easy job for all those non-programmer Arduino enthusiasts, that is why ArduBlock a graphical, block-based programming language has been developed.
There are a number of graphical, block-based programming languages such as Scratch, or OpenBlocks, but what keeps ArduBlock apart from others is that it is highly integrated with the Arduino IDE which makes it easy to switch between Ardublock and the Arduino IDE as you become more comfortable and familiar with the Arduino instruction set.
ArduBlock can automatically adjust its display language according to your computer's language.
This Ardublock kit includes a DFrduino UNO microcontroller and a IO expension shield v5.0, a servo, a buzzer, some leds and severial sensors. These modules can be directly found as blocks in Ardublock.
For an absolute beginner, we couldn’t imagine anything better, or easier. ArduBlock Kit is a great way to get started with electronics for children and non-programmers.


Shipping List:

  • Adjustable Infrared Sensor Switch (SEN0019) x1            
  • Analog Ambient Light Sensor (DFR0026) x1                
  • Analog Rotation Sensor V1 (DFR0054) x1                    
  • Analog Sound Sensor (DFR0034) x1                         
  • 9g micro servo (1.6kg) (SER0006) x1                    
  • Digital White LED Light Module (DFR0021) x1             
  • Digital RED LED Light Module (DFR0021R) x1              
  • Digital Blue LED Light Module (DFR0021B) x1              
  • Digital Buzzer Module (DFR0032) x1                         
  • Digital Push Button (DFR0029) x2                   
  • DFRduino UNO R3 x1
  • IO Expansion Shield for Arduino V7 (DFR0265) x1     
  • USB Cable A-B for Arduino (FIT0056) x1   
Set Type
w/o Book
Gravity: Stater Kit for Ardublock
Gravity: Stater Kit for Ardublock
3,049.08 TL + VAT
3,658.90 TL
Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.