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Prusa i3 IR Filament Sensor Kit

Product Code
: 283.08 TL + VAT
KDV Dahil Fiyat
: 339.70 TL

IR Filament Sensor Kit for Prusa i3

IR Filament Sensor Kit, for Prusa i3 is here with its new upgraded version! Problems that were present in the old version have been fixed, the new sensor now uses an optical sensor triggered by a simple mechanical lever. Since the sensor used ignores the optical properties of the filament, it reduces the mechanical wear problem to zero, thus making the product long-lasting.

IR Filament Sensor Kit Prusa i3 Technical Specifications::

  • Working Voltage: 5V
  • Sensor Type: Infrared (IR)
  • 3 Screws (M3x18, M2x8, M3x10)
  • 2 Pieces M3nS Nuts
  • 2 Pieces M3n Nuts
Prusa i3 IR Filament Sensor Kit
Prusa i3 IR Filament Sensor Kit
283.08 TL + VAT
339.70 TL
Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.