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PermaProto Stripboard compatible with Raspberry Pi (Half Size)

Product Code
: 232.31 TL + VAT
KDV Dahil Fiyat
: 348.47 TL
İndirimli Fiyat
: 278.77 TL

Due to this product, you have a stripboard which you can use for prototyping works with Raspberry Pi. You can carry GPIO of your Raspberry Pi to this board with 2x13 ribbon cable connector. Also there are names of Raspberry Pi GPIO pins on this connector.

This board has standard breadboard structure and provides to make 4 connections to each Rasppery Pi GPIO pin. Except GPIO pins, a prototyping field is available which has 15 pins breadboard structure.

Technical Features:

  • Connection-points for 13 GPIO pins
  • 4 power connection line
  • Dimensions: 85 mm x 55 mm x 1.6 mm
  • 1.2 mm diameter holes


PermaProto Stripboard compatible with Raspberry Pi (Half Size)
PermaProto Stripboard compatible with Raspberry Pi (Half Size)
232.31 TL + VAT
278.77 TL
Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.