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CANBed RP2040-CAN Bus Dev Kit

Product Code
: 743.20 TL + VAT
KDV Dahil Fiyat
: 891.84 TL

CANBed RP2040-CAN Bus Dev Kit

CANBed RP2040 is a CAN Bus development board containing a Raspberry Pi RP2040 chip with a high performance MCP2515 CAN controller and MCP2551 CAN receiver clocked at 133 MHz on CAN2.0 protocols. The board has a flexible CAN interface that can be used with a 4-pin terminal or a DB9 connector. The DB9 connector can be used in OBD-II mode by default, and the hardware can also be configured for CAN on mode. The motherboard has a rich set of interfaces, including I2C, UART, SPI, 3 analog input interfaces and 8 digital I/O, as well as 2MB, as well as a Micro USB connector that can be used for programming instead of power. flash memory and 264 KB of RAM make it suitable for a wide variety of embedded applications. The CAN interface is flexible and allows you to use a 4-pin terminal or a DB9 connector. The DB9 connector uses OBD-II mode by default, but you can also configure the hardware for CAN on mode.

CANBed RP2040-CAN Bus Dev Kit Technical Specification:

• MCU: Raspberry Pi RP2040
• Clock Speed: Flexible, up to 133 MHz
• Flash Memory: 2MB
• RAM: 264KB
• Operating Voltage: 9-28V
• Operating Current: 1A
• Input Interface: Alt-D connector

CANBed RP2040-CAN Bus Development Board Pins:

CANBed RP2040-CAN Bus development board_aciklama1.png (175 KB)

CANBed RP2040-CAN Bus Dev Kit
CANBed RP2040-CAN Bus Dev Kit
743.20 TL + VAT
891.84 TL
Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.