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BASYS3 Xilinx Artix-7

Product Code
: 7,783.37 TL + VAT
KDV Dahil Fiyat
: 9,340.05 TL
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Artix-7 FPGA XC7A35T-1CPG236C Features:
  • 33,280 logic cell in 5200 slices
  • (each slice includes 4x 6-input LUT and 8x flip-flop)
  • 1,800 Kbits speed block RAM
  • 5 clock management header, each one has phase-locked loop
  • 90 DSP slices
  • Internal clock speed over 450 MHz
  • Internal analog to digital converter (XADC)

Basys 3 board offers a extensive range of ports and peripheral units for system-level designs:
  • 16 user key
  • 16 user LED
  • 5 user button
  • 4 step 7 segment pointer
  • 4 Pmod connector
  • 3 standard 12 pin Pmod
  • 1 two-multifunction XADC signal/standard Pmod
  • USB-UART bridge
  • Serial Flash
  • Digilen USB-JTAG port for FPGA programming and communication
  • USB HID for mouse, keyboard and memory sticks

It is designed for Vivado Design Suite. Free-price WebPack can be downloaded for standard usage. Design Edition must be purchased for advanced features.
Basys3 board which is beginner level FPGA board has Xilinx Artix 7-FPGA architecture, it is designed for Vivado Design Suite. Basys 3 board is the newest member of popular Basys beginner boards. There are lots of features such as completely ready to use hardware, a wide range of internal inputs and outpus, all FPGA auxiliary circuits and free development tools on the all Basys boards.
Basys3 board and Digilent, offer a better representation of professional engineering to students. These features include the following:
  • Multiple inputs and outputs: 2 times more user keys and internal outputs, increased external ports and the first USB-UART bridge for Basys series.
  • Modern Architecture: Due to passing from Spartan 3E family to Artix-7 class, Basys3 offers a advanced hardware capacity. Because of new Artix, FPGA has 15 times more logic cell, 26 times more RAM.
  • SOC Strength Design Suite is the first in industry: The most important change on the Basys3 board is passing to Xilinx Vivado Design Suite which is the most modern design tool in the world that is using by professional engineers. Compared to ISE, Vivado offers improved user experience and extented features. These features include based on integration of IP blocksa and Vivado Logic/Seri I/O analyzer.
BASYS3 Xilinx Artix-7
BASYS3 Xilinx Artix-7
7,783.37 TL + VAT
9,340.05 TL
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