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Motor Driver Shield is a board which gives possibility to control 4 DC motors or 2 step motors (unipolar or bipolar) and 2 servo motors additionaly by stacking on Arduino.
There are 2 L293D motor driver IC on board which means it can drive 0.6A 4 seperate DC motors or 0.6A 2 seperate step motors. You can control speed and direction of motors independently. Motor controls are done by AF Motor Library.
  • 5-12V operating voltage
  • L293D motor controller
  • Independent control of 4 DC motor
  • Independent control of 2vstep motor
  • 3-pin socket for 2 servo motor
  • 0,6A constant current on each channel
  • Free analog input pins for sensor connections
  • Compatible with Arduino Uno
  • Product Dimensions: 69x53x14,3mm
  • Weight: 32g


Board is sent soldered.


Input and Output:

Hence Motor Shield is capeable of driving number of motors, it uses a lot of pins. Shield uses all pins except this 8 pins; Pin 2, 13, A0-5. The ones who will use extra sensors with motor driver must be carefull with the pins which are left.

L293 motor drivers -on board-' Dir pins controls are done by 75HC595 shift register on board. PWM pins and servos are connected directly to Arduino. AFMotor Library which is used with motor driver do all pin setting operations. So there is no need to do anything extra on those pins. Servo 1 socket is connected to Arduino Pin 10 and Servo 2 socket is connected to Arduino Pin 9.


Shield Type
Motor Driver
Motor Driver Shield for Arduino
Motor Driver Shield for Arduino
71.22 TL + VAT
85.47 TL
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