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Tilt Sensor Board

Product Code
: 31.02 TL + VAT
KDV Dahil Fiyat
: 37.22 TL
Money Order Price : 36.11 TL %3  Discount
It is simple type tilt sensor. When marbles in the free state that inside it moveto one tip, the transmission between two tip are provided, then it gives information that tilt exists.

It is recommended that it is used in angled or vertical positioning rather than horizontal. Because the marbles are very bustling inside it. It gives dijital output. When tilt exists, the data output gives 5V. At the same time, the LED on it is turned on.

There are two different versions of this module: 3-pin and 4-pin. 4-pin version has an extra A0 pin which is not connected. Any version may be shipped depending on the stock.

It can be used with lots of microcontroller platforms such as Arduino. Three jumper cables are available in the product package. In this way, the connection between the various systems and the product can be made easily.

Usage with Arduino
Tilt Sensor Board
Tilt Sensor Board
31.02 TL + VAT
37.22 TL
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